That PLC thing…
Ehm… that PLC. What’s new?
O.k. I canceled the ST compiler part. Not that I don’t like the idea of doing it, I just don’t have the time. So here is the alternative I’ve come up with:
It’s a simple proof-of-concept IDE for a (also simple) language that resembles FBD graphic language of the IEC standard. It has predefined functions and function blocks. The user generates the source code, combines it with the rest of the code (firmware), compiles it and uploads it to the controller with just two clicks.
The hardware part remains unchanged… except for a simple 1 analog in/1 relay out module I might add for the sake of some presentation app. Also no major changes for the control application of the PLC (= the “OS” of the PLC). Just the necessary changes to catch up the modified concept.
So, do you like the idea? Drop a note.